Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Learning to embrace . . .

The last few months have been one challenge after another. There are times when I have wondered what's up with this? Can we not get one finished before the next one drops on us? How many things can we handle all at once? Enough already!! But as usual Heavenly Father has a different plan. For whatever reason He seems to think we are capable of handling all of this at once, so we are trying to trust and accept that answer. Last week I could feel the discouragement setting in, not just with me but it seemed to permeate the entire household. As I reflected on where we are and how long we've been there I realized that we are going to have to find a way to embrace these challenges and not just endure them. Instead of just trying to survive hoping that time alone will push us through we need to take an active role in the process. What is it that Heavenly Father would have us learn? What areas do we need to grow? How can we find joy in this particular journey? As I have prayed more deeply and sincerely, tried to be more diligent in my scripture study, been more on top of my callings and looked for ways to be of service to others I have felt better. While no answers or relief have come, I have felt peace and reassurance that all will be well. I just have to be patient and let Heavenly Father work on His time frame instead of trying to convince Him to use mine.

1 comment:

. said...

When going through those tough times, I always think "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it."

It's not easy, life can be overwhelming, but that is all part of our test. It sounds like you are working through things the way you should and things will work themselves out in their own time. In the mean time, hang in there, and don't forget to take some Bonnie time!!!!