Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How do you do it?

As is obvious by the time between posts I am not very good at blogging! I think about it often but for whatever reason just don't follow through. I guess a part of me still struggles to put things out in cyberspace. It is much easier to talk face to face or to specific individuals by email than it is to just "journal" to an unknown audience. As I read other blogs so many of you seem so at ease with this, how do you get there?


Unknown said...

After awhile you get a feel for who's reading and who's not and then it makes it a bit easier... or you can make it private so only those you want to can read it. Then you don't worry about who's reading it.... what are you doing posting at 4 am?

Janelle said...

Hi Bonnie! It is fun keeping up with you. I'm not sure I'm much help here, because I'm a bit of an open book naturally. Cyberspace doesn't feel like that much space to me, keeps me closer to those I want to connect with. Still I have big lulls in my posting, life just gets in the way sometimes--as I think it should! Hope this helped!

. said...

For me, I look at it as my journal. I make it a point to update at least once a week, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. I am not a "phone talker" and sometimes we get so busy it is hard to keep in touch with people. Blogging has been a much easier way to find out what's up with people when I have a free second.