Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The City of Folsom opens a temporary ice rink during the holidays so we decided to go have some fun for family home evening.

Tyler all ready to get started

Gran & daddy helping out

On my own! They had these tubs that little kids could use to balance themselves while they learned to move on their skates. Tyler had a lot of fun with them.

Daddy helping Ty do some smooth moves

Kelly & Kaitlin helping me stay upright

Kevin, Kelly, me & Kaitlin
We had a lot of fun despite a few falls. My elbow is nice and black where I landed on it. Brian & Chad say Kevin fell first and pulled me down with him which sounds good to me. Kevin fell several times as he is fearless in his efforts to show off his skills. Joe's back was out so he was sidelined with Amanda who is still recovering from her surgery and Katie who is 5 months pregnant. They made a great cheering section for the rest of us.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hi Bonnie, It was nice to read this and catch up! Lots of grandsons in that family- wow! I'm so happy for everyone. Sad to hear that Amanda had back surgery! I had back surgery six years ago. Was she in an accident? I hope she's doing much better now. Love you much, Jennifer