Monday, November 17, 2008

Finding Peace

Lately I have been feeling down that I am not getting well as quickly as I think I should. Some days have been difficult and discouraging. I have been singing with the ward choir and a few weeks ago we started working on a piece called My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee. I don't remember the composer but the lyrics are based on the scripture in Doctrine & Covenants 122 when Joseph Smith cries to the Lord for relief from the many struggles and challenges he is facing in Liberty Jail. While rehearsing I thought the music was beautiful and loved the lyrics but it wasn't until we sang it in Sacrament meeting yesterday that the words really hit me. "I know thine every thought and every care, though the very jaws of hell gape after thee, my kindness shall not depart from thee." How small my problems seem in comparison to Joseph's.
That afternoon I was reading the conference Ensign and came across Elder Hollands talk about ministering angels. He talked about how concerned Heavenly Father is with all of His children and how He keeps a careful watch over us. He sends angels, both seen & unseen to minister and comfort. In another talk President Monson advised us all to find joy in the journey despite our challenges. To make memories each day and have fun along the way. It was a much needed reminder for me that in spite of the health challenges I have a life full of things to celebrate and be joyful about. I should be focusing on those things instead of allowing myself to be weighed down by temporary challenges that will pass away.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hi Bonnie, It's been a while, hasn't it? I came across your blog from Andrea's and it was great reading your thoughts. You've always been such a spiritual strength! I hope you are well. That family of yours is growing! I'm so glad. Your grandkids are adorable. Feel free to browse and see what we're up to here in Madison.
Take care. Love, Jennifer