Thursday, January 29, 2009

Totally Ironic!

Monday I got a call asking me to meet with a member of the stake high council on Tuesday evening. So I spent the rest of the day and most of Tuesday wondering what I was going to be asked to do. I have served in a variety of stake callings over the years so I have some idea what they entail. I was trying my best to be positive and feel that whatever it was I could handle it among all the many stresses and challenges that currently exist in my life, but I was losing that battle. On the way down to the stake center I kept praying that I would just be humble and accept whatever calling they extended, at the same time praying it wasn't going to be the cannery again. Much to my surprise I have been called to be the seminary principal at our building! Considering the post from a few months back when I subbed in seminary and had a less than stellar experience I had to laugh at the thought that I would now be responsible to oversee the teachers and students that attend seminary at 6 & at 7am. The previous principal was a really great guy and he has developed a great report with the kids. He has a new stake calling and cannot do both so they had to replace him. I left the meeting feeling a mixture of relief (that I don't have to do the cannery!)and concern over trying to step into such big shoes. Since I am at the building every morning anyway with the kids it will only mean arriving 20-30 minutes earlier than usual and staying late to lock up. There are a few administrative things as well but nothing overwhelming. I was concerned about what the kids were going to say about having to be there early but I am blessed with children who are supportive when it comes to these things (if only they were as supportive of everything I ask!!!)so life won't change much. Hopefully I will be able to get to know the kids and develop as good a report with them as Br. Ackerman had. Life is so ironic at times!

1 comment:

. said...

That sounds like a great calling for you! I know you will do a terrific job.