Saturday, August 7, 2010

So long to summer and sleeping in

What ever happened to summer including June, July AND August? School starts on Monday for the kids in our school district, which means seminary starts as well. While I'm excited to see the kids and be back in the swing of things I am not looking forward to the alarm going off at 4:30 - yes 4:30am. We have five seminary classess at our building. Two of them meet at 6am and three meet at 7am. Being the seminary principle means that I can choose when I am there and what time I arrive. In the past I have gotten to the building about 6:40, in time to say good-bye to the early kids and hello to the later ones, but for the last several days I have felt impressed that I need to start being there in time for the 6am classes. This was not good news as I am NOT a morning person, however I have found that if I am faithful and follow the promptings I receive, good things happen. So every monring I'll be heading to the building about 5:40am which seems so insane to me. I don't think anyone should be up and out that early in the morning - it's not normal!

1 comment:

erin said...

You are such a great example to me. Thanks for posting your expereiances!