Tuesday, May 5, 2009

To walk or not to walk continued. . .

So I walked! Yes I actually made the entire 13.2 miles!!! It took me 3 hrs 46 min which is not too bad all things considered. Kevin & Riley ran it in 2.5 hrs, Kaitlin walked it in 3 hrs 30 min, Brian & Katie finished in 3 hrs 40 min, and Joe finished in 4 hrs 5 min. Somewhere between mile 5 & 6 Joe & I split up which left me on my own on the trail. It was a really beautiful area and I enjoyed the scenery but somewhere between mile 8 & 9 I had to start convincing myself I really could do it and if I just kept putting one foot in front of the other the finish line would eventually appear. By mile 10 I was making up silly rhymes to keep my mind off the pain in my hips and legs. By mile 11 I was starting to feel the joy of knowing I was going to make it and nothing was as sweet as seeing the finish line and knowing I could stop and rest! We were all sore Saturday night but we all survived. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we put our minds to it. We had a good time as a family and it was fun (yes I said fun) to do it together. Reflecting back on it and being asked why on earth I would do it I think I just needed something to push me forward right now. It's been a difficult year and I needed to find out if I really could do something hard. Did I still have the ability to get outside of my comfort zone and succeed. It is nice to know the answer is yes.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I am sooooo proud of you momma!! You are awesome! I love you!